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Breaking the fourth or is it the fifth wall?

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Breaking the fourth or is it the fifth wall?

Postby Patrick » Fri Jul 26, 2013 5:51 pm

When Nanny G asks Frasier if he has any idea how it is to play the same character for twenty years she stops short of breaking the fourth wall, which is the imaginary wall separating the audience from the characters in the show, or does she? It could easily be argued that she's definitely breaking the fifth wall, IE the imaginary wall between critics or readers and audience participants.

I don't believe there is any other instance of that on the show. Although there are plenty of those on some other shows, that will go unnamed unless some of you want me to disclose them, because it's a ploy that becomes rapidly sickening when overused and therefore the disclosure could easily be construed as harsh criticism by the most sensitive of our readers... I don't want any snakes to crawl into my crib that I'd have to strangle later, if you get the reference...
Frasier: You started us down that path of insanity. Golda Meir.
Golda My-ass!
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